Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Waiting again!

Have I ever mentioned that I am not the most patient person on the planet. No? Well let me do so at this time. I mean - for a surgeon I think I do okay (not as good as Bassam, but we can all admit that he has the patience of Job and the calmness of Gandhi). It is currently almost 8 pm my time, and I am still trying to get through my day's operative schedule. Luckily, I am on call tonight so I am stuck here anyway, but that seems like very poor solace at the moment.

I was stuck here last night until after 10 pm. It is not so much the lateness of the hour because quite honestly - not so bad. Most importantly it was particularly painful because Trader Joe's closes at 10. I have not been to the grocery store in over a month. I traveled for most of the past month, so did not want to be wasteful. Unfortunately that meant when I got home last night starving, my choices were water, frozen broccoli, sun dried tomatoes and instant cheese grits. As only Kris can understand, I skipped the broccoli and had the grits. I like grits as much as the next Southerner, but not as my complete dinner. Oh well, hopefully can go tomorrow when I get off.

Still waiting by the way, I can't believe it has taken us all day to do six cases. Our new attending is so incredibly slow. I am only stuck operating with her because I am on call, but it still does not make me happy. Oh well, enough whining. Life is otherwise good. I spent much of the last month visiting family and friends, and now get to spend Christmas with my friend Beth and her family. Life is nothing to whine about - I'll be better.