Tuesday, December 2, 2008


Further proof that I am not anywhere close to normal. . .

I love Christmas - no surprise to anyone. I particularly love decorating for Christmas. Something about the smell of a fresh tree is very soothing to me. However, I have foregone a Christmas tree and any significant decorations for the last two years. My decorations are somewhere in storage, and I was so busy in Nashville it didn't make sense to put much effort into it. (I just spent a lot of time at the Helou's inhaling their Christmas smells.) I had already decided that I wasn't going to do a tree this year either. Decorations still in Georgia, and apartment tiny. I was content with my decision.

That is - until yesterday. When I came home from work yesterday, I had a message on my door informing me of the "Holiday rules". My apartment complex does not allow real trees. This is a perfectly logical decision on their part. In an apartment complex this size, I can see where lots of things can go wrong. However, now that I can't have a real tree - I desperately want one. Why is it that I can't stand to be told no? Reverse psychology works great on me. Guess I will spend a lot of time at the Christmas tree stand smelling the trees.