Tuesday, December 16, 2008


Christmas is 8 days away! When did this happen? I haven't finished shopping. I am NOT a last minute shopper. I have not finished shopping for gifts that have to be MAILED. Seriously stressing. I have not addressed the first Christmas card. Last year I did them in October. At this point, they may be Valentine's cards. When did this holiday season get so away from me? I could always blame my job, but I have had the same job for ten years and have never been this far behind.

It also wouldn't kill me to finish cleaning my apartment. My parents are coming next Friday, and my apartment is so NOT in parent viewing readiness. It isn't horrible, but one would guess that I had never been introduced to the concept of a dust or mop. My mom happens to know better.

I would continue freaking out on this blog, but quite frankly I don't have time. I need to get ready for Christmas.