Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Rain Rain Go Away

So everything comes at a price. The cost for my gorgeous weekend a couple weeks ago - rain. It started raining here last Friday and continued to rain until Monday morning. Now I have really enjoyed the convenience of living in a pedestrian city, but it is A LOT less fun in the pouring down rain. Rumor has that it briefly stopped raining during the day on Monday, but I worked all day so I missed it. Rain started back Monday night and most of the day Tuesday. I had Tuesday off (2 of my 3 staff were observing the Holiday so we had no cases). I had the great joy of running errands in the rain. Another rumor circulated today that the sun actually came out and it was gorgeous. I am on call and haven't left the hospital. Tomorrow - my post call day - it is supposed to start raining again. Oh well - that's life.

Because it just randomly crossed my mind - I need a favor. I am sad to report that I no longer am a frequent visitor to Macy's. My move to Philly has turned me into a Fiscal conservative (personally - not politically and hopefully only for 9 more months). Therefore, I try to avoid temptation. However, I need new moisturizer. I refuse to pay $60 dollars for my Estee Lauder moisturizer unless I get a free gift out of it. {Yes dad - I know that is a ridiculous amount to pay for lotion, but think of the money I am saving by putting off my first face lift.} So, I need someone who still gets to walk thru Macy's and look at the pretty things to tell me when Estee Lauder is having their gift time. Thanks.