Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Wish List

I am not sure why exactly, but lately I have developed a sort of wanderlust. I have been dreaming of traveling to lands far away. Maybe it is the idea that the end of my training really is at hand. Maybe it is that I will finally be able to afford to indulge in a great vacation. Maybe it is just that I haven't had any real vacation in 2 1/2 years. Regardless of the reason, I have been mulling over places to go in my head.

The list is long, and would cost me way more than a Thoracic Surgeon's salary. [Too bad I haven't made much progress on that marrying wealthy and chucking the whole career thing plan.] However, I decided I would narrow it down to 10 and make them places that I truly plan to see and spend some time before I die. [Don't worry I am not sick - although I do have a doctor's appointment next week. I have been having strange dizzy spells. My diagnosis is some inner ear thing, but since I almost fell in the operating room the other day I am being pushed to have it checked.]

The making of this list was quite fun. I would highly encourage you all to do the same. It can't be generic - no I want to go to Greece. Really pick a place that you want to see and imagine what types of things you would do there. I have had so much fun with this that I might make a places to go closer to home list next. I will share my list with you below - if anyone is interested in traveling to these places let me know. I am always looking for travel companions.

Places to See Before I Get Too Old:

(1) - Hiking in Bernese Oberland (Swiss Alps)
(2) - Biking Iverness - Base of the Scottish Highlands
(3) - Art tour - Florence, Italy
(4) - Explore the "Peace lines" in Belfast, Ireland
(5) - Outdoor markets of Tangier, Morocco
(6) - Fishing in Nova Scotia, Canada
(7) - "Roughing" it Australian Outback
(8) - Cruise the Northeastern Aegean Islands, Greek Isles
(9) - Discovering Ruins Athens, Greece
(10) - Shopping Rome, Italy

Now I just need a vacation slush fun.


Me said...

I love your list! I would definitely add a trip to Africa . . . a safari, touring the winelands of South Africa, seeing Victoria Falls in Zambia . . . we did that for our honeymoon and it was unbelievable.

- Jessica

Anonymous said...

hey well i'm going to Greece this upcoming spring for a week =] be cool if i saw ya while you were there if you are planning on doing the Greece trip sometime soon!! by the way thanks so much for the interview i handed in thepaper and now it'll go in a folder and be submitted to some of the colegesi plan on looking at =] thanks again!! and the australia outback sounds fantastic, if i wassn't 15 and a prisoner of high school i'd love to join you.

-calla =]