Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Clean bill of health . . .relatively

So, I went to the doctor. Not my favorite thing. I am not sure why exactly. It doesn't make me nervous . . . I understand what they are saying to me . . . I always take a book so I don't mind the wait. . . and although I don't love needles, I don't have a phobia against them. I don't love the poking and proding, but understand the necessity. (Although that whole pap smear thing - there has to be a better way.) I think the biggest issue is that I read to much into every question that I am asked. I mean if they ask me my favorite color, in my head I am trying to decide what the right answer is so they don't decide I have cancer. A little psychotic I understand, but that's me.

I was told that I was in very good shape for my age and profession. Yea that's what I said - for my age and profession. What does that mean? Would I be an unhealthy accountant? Do they grade the age thing on a curve? They didn't teach me that in medical school. What are they thinking - wow she would be a crazy unhealthy 28 year old, but since she is 35 this is the best we can hope for? I use the expression he/she looks great for their age all the time, but I am talking about 70 and 80 year olds! I am choosing to put a positive spin on it and to move on - suprising for me I know, but learning you just have to let some things go.

We did discuss my recent dizzy spells. I am told that they are most likely related to benign paroxysmal positional vertigo. Big fancy term - the only things that I could recall about it were that it involved these really cool little tiny rocks that live deep in your inner ear and it was almost always the cause of dizziness in little old ladies. Turns out I was right on both counts.

The simplest explanation is that there are these cool little rocks in your inner ear that tell your brain the position of your body. As you move, they roll against each other sending new signals about their new position. Outside of the cardio-pulmonary system - coolest part of your body. As one ages, or also happens following head trauma, viral infection and for some unknown reason increased incidence in Urban dwellers, for lack of a better description dust or debris makes it into the area of the little rocks. They can no longer send as clear of a signal, therefore one gets dizzy when changing positions.

Good news is that it is almost always self limiting. Housekeeping eventually comes along and cleans out the dust. There are some exercises that I can try at home to help speed along the process. Of course, they offered to have me see an Otorhinolaryngologist (ENT doc). This is the funny thing about going to the doctor when you are a doctor. Doctors seeing doctors are always afraid they are going to miss something or you will second guess them. Therefore, we are very quick to refer you to a specialist or for a second opinion. Crazy logic, but true anyway. I politely declined and went along my way. Only hurdle left is a fasting lipid panel. I should do it soon since I am currently still off meat and chances are good it may actually be a decent number.

At least I am off the hook for another year.


Me said...
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Me said...

Okay . . . apparently I messed up my posting! I just wanted to say that I'd have been ticked at the comment, too! Also, I had a bout with vertigo a few years back (turned out to be a side effect from a medicine - happened when I switched from the name brand to the generic). Anyway, hope it clears up quickly - very inconvenient!

- Jessica