Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Slight miscalculation

Okay - I don't love to admit when I am wrong, but like to think that I am a big enough person to admit it on the rare occasions that it actually happens: :) Boy was I wrong. I mean couldn't have been further from correct. I missed it by a mile - as the saying goes. The colossal mistake that I made - thinking that I could survive a Philly winter.

I know you are already laughing. Half of you are saying I told you so - and the other half sneering that it is still October. My concern is the latter. It is only October!!! Today in Philly, it is a balmy 36 degrees, windy with precipitation. The precipitation I might point out has been snow for a good portion of the day. I'm sorry, but where I come from we call this a bad January day. If this is only October weather here - I am seriously afraid to stay and find out what January is like.

I am not completely naive. I expected that it would get cold. I even expected snow. I didn't expect the wind that makes the cold so much less tolerable, and I figured it would at least be December before the snow arrived. I don't have clothes for this weather. I am not sure they make enough clothes for me to handle this weather. The only bright spot I can see is that you have to wear so many clothes in the winter here, that no one could notice an extra few pounds. A bonus yes, but not quite worth the cost. Call me weak, call me spoiled, just call me a taxi to the airport.


Kris said...

More fun to come . . .

November: Avg high temp 57, low 38December: Avg high temp 46, low 29
January: Avg high temp 41, low 24 (with a record low of -7!!!!)

Me said...

I can only say that this is extremely unusual to be THIS cold THIS early in the year. It will warm back up again some before it gets cold for winter. And it is usually coldest in January/February, although occasionally there are stretches of cold in December, too. You can do it - three months of cold!

- Jessica

Unknown said...

At least you can make a snowman and maybe even go sledding. I'm jealous :)