I have a confession. This past June, I was a little stressed out about this whole move to a new city - start a new job thing. Therefore, as I am oft to due in a time of emotional turmoil, I turned to french fries. I am not going to lie and say that I have eaten perfect for the last four years, but I will say that my strays from the straight and narrow road have been minimal - and usually involve french fries. I had gained about 10 lbs back from the original 60 that I lost, but overall, I was doing okay. I always had plans to lose another 20 (I never got to my "perfect" weight the first time), but overall I was comfortable with my body.
This particular stray was different from the rest. It set off an emotional trigger somewhere in my head. I didn't stop with my one trip to McDonald's. I began a three and a half month tribute to eating crap, and believe me in a city known for less than healthy food, I had plenty of opportunity. I am not sure why I didn't stop. The light bulb moment finally came when I needed "real" clothes two weeks ago to wear to clinic, and struggled to find something that fit. I stepped on a scale - something that I had steadfastly avoided since moving here - and was appalled.
Needless to say, I am back on the straight and narrow. This is where my frustration comes into play. Now I am a little frustrated that the weight comes off at my age a lot less slowly that it goes on. (I know metabolisms slow down, but I am starting to think that mine is on permanent sabbatical. ) I am also a little frustrated that I let things get to this stage - 5-10 lbs is one thing - 20 lbs is quite different - particularly at 5'2".
However, my biggest frustration is my memory loss. I so easily forget how normal feels. When I eat as if I actually went to medical school and took a nutrition class, I don't just feel "healthier" - I feel better. It is easier to get out of bed in the morning. It is easier to go to the gym. I take the stairs at work on purpose. I have better skin. I sleep better. I all around have more energy, and with my schedule that truly makes a difference. How could I forget this feeling and settle for feeling like the crap that I was eating? I am supposed to be smarter than that right? Well, I am feeling good again and have lost 5 lbs - slower than I would like, but I'll take it. I still have a ways to go, but am confident that I will get there. I have even run twice this week. Stay tuned for updates.
P.S. Blessed and Happy New Year for my friends to which that statement makes since.
Life Moves On
11 years ago
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