Saturday, September 27, 2008

Explanation please

Okay - I really don't understand guys. I mean quite honestly they make no sense. The source of my latest confusion - guys flirting. I have complained to most of you in the past about how I seem to attract the most male attention when I am post call. There seems to be something about my the purple bags under my eyes, unwashed hair and day old scrubs that really turn guys on. It has never failed in all my years of surgery that I get way more male attention post call than not. I have explained this in my head as guys like the vulnerable look. I have seen myself post call - the kindest thing than can be said for me is that I look in need of help.

Now, it is starting to happen to me when I am not post call, but SO not trying to look cute. Take this morning for example. I was up late last night watching the debate and post debate spin, so at 7:30 this morning when I woke up and could not go back to sleep - I decided to head to Starbuck's for a nice pumpkin latte. I threw on sweatpants, long sleeve shirt and a baseball cap. I think I ran a brush thru my hair, but would not swear to it in a court of law. I was not dressing to impress - I wanted a cup of coffee and a scone. As I leave my building two different men I pass on the street say hello. Not uncommon back home, but no one here in Philly speaks on the street. No one is that friendly. When I get to one of the four Starbuck's within two blocks of my house I order my drink and scone and then become engaged in a 5 minute conversation with the cute barista while he is warming my scone. I sit at a table by the window with a newspaper when another customer asks to see my sports page. This ended up turning into another flirting session.

Don't get me wrong - I am not complaining that cute and in 3 of the 4 situations younger guys flirted with me today. I am not that stupid. What I don't understand is why no guys ever flirt with me when I make an effort. Until recently, I would have argued that I have relatively cute taste in clothes and can pull a look together that looks fairly presentable, but maybe not. Maybe I am one of those women who belong on What Not to Wear and just don't know it. There has to be some reason that when I look horrible guys want to talk to me, but I can't attract any man under 70 when I try. Am I missing something????


Me said...

It must be the whole "you are much more attractive when you aren't trying" theory. Come to think of it, the night I met my husband, I think I hadn't bothered to shower, I was wearing no makeup, and I dressed hoping not to be noticed . . . perhaps there is something to your theory. Maybe it is kind of like how dogs always run to the stinky dirty clothes . . . .


Anonymous said...

Maybe you're naturally beautiful and men are attracted to that more than an Estee Lauder inservice?

Who the hell am I kidding? Like I have any idea about what attracts men to women! :)

Suzanne Moon said...

I vote for 'they are intimidated by your amazing beauty and brains' when you're all done up. Men get scared easily. ; )