Wednesday, November 19, 2008


Okay - I know that I blogged once already today, but I am extremely irritated and need to blow off steam. I would normally call Kris or my mom. My mom is out currently - see prior blog from today, and Kris has had to listen to a lot of my crying recently. Since I know they will both have to listen to even more as this whole job search thing goes along, I decided to blow off to my computer. Feel free to ignore this blog and check back tomorrow.

As anyone can see from my Facebooking and blogging earlier today, I have spent most of my day doing nothing productive. I did a lobectomy this morning, but was thru by 10:30am. My new attending - we'll call Dr Obnoxious - had a lobectomy followed by a VATS which I am supposed to do. She started the lobe at 11 am and just now finished!!!! I am not sure why it took so long, but thanks to her 8 hour case I have been stuck here all day waiting on my second case to go. It is just now going into the room, and because she never knows when to quit will probably still be going at midnight.

I try to be understanding. In seven short months, I will be her - if I get a job. I can only imagine how scary it must be making the final decisions after all the years of having someone look over your shoulder. I would argue however that since we have 10 years of people looking over our shoulders, we should be the new attendings with the greatest experience. Our decisions should come just a little bit easier. There comes a time where you just have to suck it up, consider your training and go with your gut. We are Cardiothoracic surgeons after all. We are always right - just ask us.


Kris said...

I never tired of talking to you, friend!! :)

Keep your chin up!

Me said...

I'm sorry - how frustrating (and inconsiderate!). I would be pissed, too!