Wednesday, August 20, 2008


I spend way too much of my life waiting. I seem to wait on all kinds of things. . . My operating room to be ready, my patient to be asleep, my conference to start, Mr Right to come. I am currently waiting for a conference to start. Who decides that Wednesday afternoon at 5pm is a great time to have a pathology conference. I mean if I am not still operating (which is the norm) - I want to be headed home. Oh well - wait I will continue to do.

Things continue to be well here. Weather still absolutely gorgeous. If this is still summer - sign me up for more of it. I am starting to put together a career plan and I am trying to solicit help. I need ideas of places to live - everyone can't say Nashville or Atlanta. I think I am looking for a medium to large city with a large busy hospital. I am leaning toward Academic, but not entirely sold. The idea of a sweet busy private practice job somewhere with Bree as my NP sounds pretty good to me. She can run everything and I will just operate. Wait - this is sounding better and better. Anyway - I am very serious about help with this whole deciding where to live thing. I mean seriously - how does one decide where to live for more than a 5 year commitment?

Yes - I know that at heart this all goes back to my commitment issues. I don't know why I have them, but I do. Maybe that will be my way to get on Oprah. I would prefer to be her next Dr Oz - he is after all a cardiothoracic surgeon who seems to know a lot more than the rest of us CT surgeons about things outside the chest.

Okay, I have now progressed to just random thoughts so I will stop here. I still have 30 minutes to kill. Maybe I will shop online for an Obama shirt. I saw a couple on Halle Berry that were adorable. I know that they will not be quite the same on me, but allow me these hallucinations.



Me said...

I'm just catching up now . . . I suggest Baltimore as a city! (Not that I have any bias). It has Hopkins there, it is a great city, it is close to both Philly and DC, and an easy flight back to Nashville or Atlanta. If you get bored, you can always switch to one of the hospitals/practices in DC - a short hop away!

As for your commitment issues . . . I understand them all too well. This is the longest I've lived in one house (I'm approaching 5 years) and we are moving in the next few weeks! This is the shortest move I've made - but I am changing zip codes again. We only plan to live in the next place for 2 years before moving again. I'm just amazed I ever got married . . . that whole commitment thing STILL scares me.
