Friday, August 8, 2008

DX: Homesickness

Being the brilliant surgeon that I am - I have spent several weeks trying to figure out what is wrong with me. My symptoms include: fatigue, muscle aches, headaches, increased appetite, sluggishness, and difficulty sleeping. Those of you who know me know that I came up with a pretty exciting list of potential illnesses. (Wow - that hour I was convinced I had malaria was fun). I mean I am the girl that went to the doctor last year convinced I was hypothyroid and walked away with the diagnosis of old age and bad career choice. I have thought long and hard, and the answer finally came to me today - well actually it first came to me on Tuesday. I am Homesick. Now you may ask homesick for where exactly . . . my answer - lots of places, Athens, Augusta, Nashville. Anyplace full of friendly faces and people that I enjoy.

My epiphany started on Tuesday. I finally got around to going to the DOT to get a Pennsylvania license. The reason I wanted a license had nothing to do with the "rule" that you are supposed to get a new license when you move - I have only had a Georgia license since I was 15 and that includes the two years I lived in the state of Tennessee. I wanted a license to vote. I finally live in a state that may actually be in play this Presidential election and I am an Obama girl. (No, there are no you-tube videos of me in short shorts and tight t-shirt so don't bother looking). I sat in the Penn License Center for 2 1/2 hours and waited in 4 seperate lines, including the line that I waited in so that I could get a number to wait. I had a book, and was very patient. However, when the time came to turn over my Georgia license, I wanted to cry. I know that seems a little overemotional, and I recognize that it is, but it is true none the less.

I got my new temporary license, registered to vote and went home and went straight to bed. It was 6 pm. Today, I got up and walked outside to my car. It was 5:30 am and cold. I mean I needed a sweater cold. That is when it hit me. I miss home. Fall days are enjoyable, and one of my favorite times of the year, but not in my frame of reference meant to be in August - early August at that. Seriously, we should still be in the hottest part of the summer. Here everyone is bemoaning the fact that summer is over.

I know that it is early still. I know that I will adjust. I know that there are lots of fun and exciting things to do in Philadelphia that I could do no where else in the world. However, at this particular time, I miss all of the things not in Philadelphia a lot.

I post this mostly as a warning. Many of you will be receiving a phone call this weekend. I have decided the best treatment for my illness is to indulge it. I plan to spend the weekend, since I am on call, catching up with all the people that I miss. Bare with me - hopefully this is a fever that we can feed and it will go away. If not, we may all have to figure out how to move Philadelphia further south. Talk to you soon.


Kris said...

Well, I guess there is some satisfacation in having the diagnois, right?

We miss you oodles, too...especially Miss Gracie who has been talking about you LOTS!

bree said...

Miss you...but what a fancy pic of you operating, doing what you do best