Sunday, August 31, 2008

Not 15 anymore

Calla decided she wanted to help me with my running. She offered to go running with me early this morning before we started our day. For a teenager to get up early is kind of a big deal. Now, some things you should know about Calla . . . she is on the soccer and lacrosse team, runs track and did I forget to mention she is 15 and may weigh 100 lbs. What I was thinking when I (someone who hasn't ran regularly in 9 months) agreed to go running with her I still don't know.

I do know that she was trying to kill me. We ran for almost an hour, and I mean mostly ran. Every time I told her I needed to walk for a minute she would look at me with these disappointed eyes and tell me I should just slow down my pace and keep moving. We did find a lovely running trail - at least what I saw of it thru my hypoxic haze. I will admit I did feel really great when we finished. Now I am not sure that it was a true runner's high - I think I was mostly happy that I was still alive. It did give me great incentive to keep running. I really need to be in better shape before she comes for another visit.

We had a great visit this weekend. We played the part of tourist yesterday and saw National Constitution Center and Independence Hall. I punished her for the run today by dragging her to the Philadelphia Museum of Art. My quads after an hour of running were not happy with those famous "rocky" steps, but the museum itself is gorgeous. On our way back we stopped by the Rodin and got to see the Thinker. It was a great weekend. Tomorrow I will celebrate Labor Day in the vein of the holiday - I will actually be laboring - I am on call.


Anonymous said...

okay i gotta say this, you make me sound like a monster for making you run! i thought you did fantastic and if i can recall it right, wen we got to the place where we came in i asked if we were done and it was YOU who said lets keep going so all in all it was your fault lol. But see it gave you more incentive to run and you felt great after so in a way i did do some good =] and the art museum was not punishment, i enjoyed it alot thank you very much! Thanks so much for having me Tam i had an absolute great time and hope to do it again soon so i can kill you again while we run lol =]

KEEP RUNNING!!!!!!!!!!

<3 Calla