Monday, August 18, 2008

Rx - beautiful weather

Okay - illness slowly resolving. I think I may finally see a light at the end of this homesickness thing. It helps that the weather is absolutely PERFECT here right now. My mom complained today about how hot it was at home - I didn't have the heart to tell her that I actually wore a jacket to work today. It is that truly amazing weather - where the morning air has a little nip to it, but by mid afternoon a more perfect day could not be described. I spend my post call day last week walking around the city, and had a really great time. I ended up walking over 60 blocks - I kept getting distracted and turning down new streets.

This past Saturday, I was able to head to New Jersey and visit my friend Beth. She and her husband John celebrated their 5th anniversary. It was great to see them and catch up with some of their friends, but I think the next anniversary party should be back in Italy. I will be there in a heartbeat.

I spent Sunday hanging around the city. I was on "back-up" call. Difficult to explain, but basically means I am required to be within the city and sober. Not overly taxing.

I have included a couple of pictures of one of my favorite fountains here. I say one of because they have an astounding number of fountains and parks here. I don't know about that whole Bill of Rights and Constitution thing, but the Founding Fathers definitely knew how to design an easy to navigate and beautiful city. This particular park is called LOVE park - i assume it has something to do with that whole city of Brotherly Love thing, but I am not certain. They occasionally die it strange and interesting colors - again I have no idea why, but it makes it interesting.

My friend Jackie is having a rough time at the moment. Everyone please remember her in your prayers - she is definitely in mine.


Anonymous said...

Oh my God, as if teasing me with thoughts of living in NYC while you were at Vandy wasn't enough. If you go to Italy I am so stashing in your luggage (you should have room - you are a girl, so in theory you should have more luggage than ME *in theory, now, not reality!) and I will accompany you to Italy as cargo. Besides, did you SEE who won the gold in Greco-Roman wrestling?? Viva Italia!! :)

Hope you're having some fun when you can!!

Anonymous said...

Hey! Aviva and I drove by your old apartment complex today and I thought of you..we miss you @ Vandy...Liz

Anonymous said...

Love the "love fountain"....too cool! Good thoughts for Jackie!!