Sunday, August 3, 2008

Girl Grooming

Isn't it amazing how much a simple pedicure can change your whole attitude? At least it can for me. I will be honest - I had let a few things go since moving here. My eyebrows, my nails, my hair, etc. Therefore, when faced with yet another weekend off, I decided that a little girl grooming was in order.

I started with a new haircut. Now you all know that this can be an incredibly scary endeavour. I decided to compound the scariness by going to a "teaching" salon. You may wonder why on earth I would do something so crazy - three reasons actually. ONE: my friend Kris found an article in Allure magazine touting the greatness of this particular salon in Philly. I have learned from our 10 years of friendship to listen to her about such things. TWO: I have benefited thru the years from "practicing" on others. I figure if people will let me practice surgery on them, the least I can do is allow someone to "practice" cutting my hair. THREE: living here is Expensive. My new haircut only cost 16 dollars. Correct - I said 16 dollars. By far the cheapest haircut I have ever received. Even better, I actually like it. It is short in the back, with an asymetrical point in the front. It can be styled a little edgier than I will probably ever have cause for, but even just "normal" I think it is cute. I was not yet brave enough for color, but will be going back in one month to have my roots touched up.

While at the salon, I also got my brows shaped, and then I was off for a pedicure. Some friends in Nashville had given me this great pedicure salon set so that some of my anxiety was relieved. I would be carrying my own instruments, so that whole do they actually sterilize their instruments was less stressful for me. Since I was already outside of my comfort zone, I actually skipped my normal french manicure and went with "No Autographs Please" red. I even added a little something for decoration. I like it overall - they cut them a little shorter than I love, but I think we can adjust that one thing.

I know this makes me incredibly shallow, but I actually feel better. People are so much more than their hair or nails, but I actually feel better when I am well groomed. Maybe it is that I am taking time for myself that makes the difference, or maybe it really is vanity - I know that I look better with kept brows and nails. Regardless, my day of grooming has helped me step out of the funk that I had fallen into the last few weeks.


Unknown said...

You look great!

Kris said...

Ditto! You look FABULOUS, friend!! I Love the nails!!

Anonymous said...

I love the hair cut!! We miss you @ Vandy!! Liz

Anonymous said...

Thank the Lord.

Suzanne Moon said...

Love the new cut!! The color is fabulous, too! And I knew you'd feel better once you got a cute pedicure!!

I just went to a meeting in Maine. It was chilly and 72! LOL I hope you are stocking up on sweaters for the Winter!

Me said...

You look amazing . . . I don't think I would have ever recognized you! - Jessica