Sunday, August 24, 2008

Craving Zaxby's

As I sit down to write my blog, I realize that my friend Kris is right - again. She accused me last week of being a weekly blogger. I told her she was crazy, but as I look back I realize that she is correct. I could argue that I am so busy and important I can't be bothered to blog more often, but that would be a lie. The actual truth is my life is too boring for more frequent blogging. I bore myself silly these days - no point in bringing you guys along.

My blog today is a case in point. I need Zaxby's. As most of you know, Zaxby's is my favorite fast food restaurant. They have amazing french fries and we all know french fries are my thing. I had Zaxby withdrawals while in Nashville because the closest one was a little hard to frequent, but I could almost always talk Bassam into making a run with me. The 30 minute drive that was required back then is nothing compared to the 10 hour drive required from here. I blame CNN. CNN you might ask. I had been able to successfully push seasoned french fries and chicken fingers to the back of my brain until I logged onto today. I was trying to catch up on world events - or at least read the political coverage when low and behold right in the middle of my screen is a Zaxby's advert. I am really excited. This must mean they have them nearby right. I mean really no one would be cruel enough to advertise something in a part of the country that you can't buy it right? WRONG! ! The closest store is in Virginia. Needless to say, I am never again watching or webbing CNN. Cruel and unusual.

I did try this amazing restaurant Friday night. It was a upscale take on a Mexican restaurant. I couldn't pronounce anything on the menu, but loved everything that I tried. Unfortunately I did not get home until almost 2 am and had to be up at work at 4. Needless to say I took a nap yesterday. Today I am on call and it has been busy so far. We shall see.

Last thing - I need help. No smart remarks. I need help with a specific goal. I need to start running again. You all know that I don't particularly like to run. What I really need is for Jill to move here and kick my butt around the park a few laps, but since that is not likely to happen - I need you guys to hold me accountable. I am going to start training to run again starting tomorrow post call. I will include a quick blurb about how it is going in my blog. If I quit talking about it chances are I quit doing it. That is where you guys come into play. If I slack off - I need you all to call me on it. My bathroom scale and clothes thank you.