Monday, May 25, 2009

Mirror, Mirror on the Wall

I have often asked if some people looked in a mirror before they leave home. This question gets asked a lot here in Philly. As I wandered around a local outlet mall today, I caught myself again questioning people's "final check" before going out in public. After the 20th such person, I began to question my assumption - surely someone has a mirror. Perhaps they do check, but their mirror is just much kinder than mine.

I am currently at a medically healthy weight for my height and build. Is that what I see when I look in the mirror? Of course not. When I look in the mirror, it is never followed by affirmations. I am 10-15 lbs away from "thin", and 20-25 lbs away from "Hollywood thin". I look in the mirror and immediately catalogue all of my faults. I see too big breasts, big belly, butt that is a mile wide and sagging halfway down my thighs, etc.

I know that I am not a lone in this self defeating behavior. I have a friend who is tall, thin, abs to die for and beautiful. When she looks in the mirror - she only sees her thighs. Another friend who is tiny by any one's definition - she only sees breasts that are "too small" and broad shoulders. Why do we do this to ourselves?

Why can't we be more like these people I see around town. I saw a lady today about my height, but had me beat by at least 150lbs. She was wearing a tight halter and mini - quite frankly she rocked it. She rocked it because she owned it. I meanwhile had spent extra time hiding my "flaws" before leaving the house.

I am not suggesting that we all eat whatever we want and become grossly unhealthy. However, I am beginning to think that we should all give ourselves a break and more importantly a kinder gentler mirror. Will I stop trying to loose those last 15 lbs - probably not, but I will at least give try to give the current body a break from the endless abuse.


Me said...

Great post! My mom often looks at people who are dressed in outfits that look horrible (especially when someone is overweight and in a grossly inappropriate outfit that does nothing to hide the fat) and will say "I wish I had their mirror." Because some people really do seem to look in the mirror, and no matter how bad they look to the rest of the world, they think they look great. It must be nice to have such a kind mirror. - Jessica