Monday, May 4, 2009

I miss sugar

It started innocently enough - it was my birthday, and I had a slice of birthday cake. One slice only - I promise. However, it started me back on a vicious spiral. I then decided a brownie for dessert with my family was okay. Surely no one can argue with chocolate covered strawberries. Well I do like the peanut M&M's - they have protein in them right? It seems that in my head, my diet is either all or nothing. I either make good choices all the time or I start eating crap and can't stop.

That one piece of cake turned the switch in my head. Fortunately, this time I was able to recognize that the sluggishness and malaise that I felt this weekend probably had as much to do with my diet as my sinus infection. Therefore, I decided to give up sugar in its entirety. Yep I said it, I gave up sugar. I am only one day into this latest folly, and can I just say IT IS HARD. I never realized all the places that sugar exists. They sneak it into my protein bars, my "no sugar" cereal, and my yogurt. We won't even discuss the "sugar substitute" (which I am also giving up) in my diet coke and chocolate - OOOH I miss chocolate.

I don't expect to give up sugar forever - let's be honest is a life without chocolate really worth living? However, I thought this would be a good detox for my recent sugar binge, and perhaps re kick start my healthier living plan. At least it got me to the gym and running today so it can't be all bad.


Me said...

I did that . . . South Beach diet style . . . to lose weight for my wedding. It worked, but boy did I miss sugar. Getting off of the sugar was hard . . . and the slip ups always sent me spiraling again. Hope it gets you back to healthier eating! - Jessica