Friday, April 3, 2009

Length matters

I know as a girl that I am not supposed to actually admit this out loud, but length matters. I'm sorry it does! We are simply kidding ourselves when we say it doesn't. And when did it become the collective rule that we were all willing to lie about it not mattering? I don't recall a vote, but yet I am supposed to go along with the secret "girl code"? Shorter is definitely better!!!

I am of course talking about the length of winter. (You should all collectively get your heads out of the gutter.) Yes, it got colder here than I thought it was possible to survive, but I survived it. It turns out that you can put on enough clothes if you keep layering. The toughest part of this winter of my discontent is its length. I mean COME ON! It is the first weekend in April - Easter is next week, and we are just now getting a couple of days per week in the low 60's. How do these people live this way?

I actually know the answer to that last question. They don't know any better. They don't know that March should bring flowers and grass and sunny days. Maybe if by some horrible twist of fate I spend another winter here I too will tolerate it better. I will mentally be prepared for winter well into April. I was not at a mental place for it this year.

I have actually discovered that there are lots of things about the south that people around here don't know. When I first came here, the misperceptions about life "down there" were annoying. I couldn't believe that people really thought such ridiculous things. I now find them amusing. I smile politely, nod my head and have two thoughts. The first - I can't wait to get back home to the south. The second - I am so glad that small minded people like you will never move there.


Kris said...

Feel free to explain,

"Maybe if by some horrible twist of fate I spend another winter here . . . "

Something I should know?

Me said...

See, the problem is, you went just *slightly* too far north . . . winters are shorter down here in DC - they start later and end earlier! And not all northerners are small-minded and ignorant about the South!

I agree with you about the cold . . . and the length. It is why I won't ever live further north than Baltimore! This year, you've gotten a taste of Northeastern city living - but the "North" is actually quite varied - life is very different in upstate New York (in places like Syracuse or Binghamton) as compared to Philly or NYC.

I think for your next post, you should come up with all the things you've learned to like about the "Northern" way of living that you would not have appreciated without this very trying year. You may surprise yourself and realize there were some good things you learned and experienced this year! It will give you a positive attitude and remind you of the adventure and why you decided to head north in the first place!
