Monday, March 9, 2009

Philly weight

No secret to anyone that has seen me the last 8 months, but Philly was not good for my waist line. I am only now willing to admit it (since I've fixed it), but I gained 25 lbs when I moved to Philly. Not good. At 5'2", I show 5 lbs up or down - I have absolutely no where to hide 25 lbs.

I am not sure exactly what happened, but I have a few ideas. I of course tried a cheese steak, but didn't love it. My bigger problem was telling myself as long as I didn't eat huge proportions that I could eat whatever I wanted. Therefore, a bagel every day for breakfast, slice of pizza for lunch, etc. etc. I also decided for some reason that the gym in the basement of the building in which I live was not convenient enough so I quit working out. Although I can not lie well to others, I seem to do it very well to myself.

When it got to where none of my clothes fit anymore, I finally started believing the scale. Not only could I not afford to buy new clothes, but I was unhappy with how sluggish I was feeling. I am very happy to report that as of this morning, I am back to my Nashville weight. I say my Nashville weight because I gained 10 lbs when I moved from Augusta to Nashville.

As an aside, moving seems to be a bad idea for my eating habits. I am not sure why, but hopefully I will now find a place to settle for a while. My weight can't afford all the ups and downs.

No stopping here, my goal is to end my Thoracic training at the same weight I started it. So 3 1/2 months and 10 lbs - got to keep working.


Me said...

Congratulations! I wish I could match your determination. I put on 25 lbs after breaking my ankle and trying to get pregnant (ironically, I lost 10 lbs during pregnancy). I still have 15 more to go to get back to my wedding weight . . . which is probably another 10 lbs above my "ideal" weight.

I bet you can lose the reamining 10 lbs before the end of your journey!


Kris said...

Go girl!!! Proud of you!