Friday, March 13, 2009

Bangs @!@#$

Any woman who has ever had bangs and decided to grow them out understands the above title. If you haven't today's post if probably not for you. I "tried" bangs for the first time about 5 years ago. I started slowly with long tapered bangs. I liked and decided to progress to full single length bangs when I moved here to Philly.

I really like them at first. I would probably like them better if I had less fine hair, but after 35 years I have almost made peace with my hair's texture. Of course, I can never make my hair look as good as it does the day I leave the hair salon. I think it is multi factorial, but mainly related to the time or lack there of that I am willing to invest in fixing my hair. I particularly like the fact that it hides my ginormous forehead and the large wrinkle I have developed there.

Why them would I decide to grow them out? Two words - OR hat. I spend most of my day with my hair pulled back and up in an OR hat. I actually have several cloth printed hats that I wear in the operating room (no surprise here that I found a way to shop for OR clothes.) Because I have fine hair, I have to wear a fairly tight hat to keep my hair out of sight. If I wear a loose bouffant hat, my hair slides out the sides. I challenge anyone with bangs to put on a very tight hat and wear it for 10-12 hours. Let me know how your bangs look when you pull it off. I have tried everything to keep them from coming out in 47 directions, but nothing works well.

Thus, I am growing my bangs out yet again. Most frustratingly, I had JUST grown out my bangs. If you are to scared to get your hair cut for 3 months, bangs tend to grow out. When I finally caved in and got a new cut, I was talked into bangs again. I am currently at the incredibly irritating part where they are way too long to be bangs and way too short to be side swept. I fix it most days by wearing a hat. Too bad that won't work for my interview. I doubt the all men that I am interviewing with will understand about growing out bangs. I just have to assume that they are men and probably won't notice.


Kris said...

Stop your fussing, girl!! Get yourself to the store (yay shopping!) and buy yourself a couple cute barrettes....or even those simple clips at Target that come in "hair tone" colors. Tease it oh-so-slightly, but the clip in place and call it done. You are adorable!

Me said...

Oh yeah - I play that game over and over again! The last time, I swore I'd never cut bangs again. We'll see if I remember that the next time I'm in the mood for a change.

All I can say is "curling iron" - that can usually get you through the bang problem - you can curl them shorter to wear above your eyes or curl them back to blend into your hair. Of course, if your hair is like mine, that works for about 30 minutes.


Meg said...

I feel your pain... Right now, my bangs look like they're part of an entirely different haircut than the one that I have. Sad times indeed...