Sunday, March 22, 2009

Marathon Training

Unlike my friends Bree, Kris, Meg and Jill - I am not referring to running. I would probably be much more healthy if I was. However, the marathon training that I did today involved my television. I don't watch a lot of television anymore, but I occasionally have weekends where I completely turn into a couch potato.

This was one of those weekends. My channel of choice - Oxygen. I started a Sunday marathon of America's Next Top Model, and have been hooked all day. Very sad, but true. We won't even discuss all the things productive that I could have done this weekend. Besides, I don't have time - I need to go root for Danielle in the next three eliminations.


Meg said...

Girl, we all need a weekend like that once in a while. I'm on a Lucky Charms cereal marathon this weekend. I think that I've eaten a whole box... or two.

Me said...

Been there, done that! And be ware of the lifetime movie network!