Monday, March 23, 2009

FOUND - one dose lost optimism

Perhaps my 8 hours of mindless television yesterday were not a complete waste. I went to bed last night, actually fell asleep and slept the entire night (this is unique for me as of late.) Even better, I woke up this morning feeling something I haven't felt in a few months - optimism. It hasn't told me yet where it went or for that matter why it finally decided to come home, but I am so happy to have it back.

I have let this job search business "steal my joy" to quote my friend Kris, and made me forget how much I actually love what I do and what a great life I really live. No more. I will continue to actively pursue the jobs that I have on the table, and continue to look for more, but I will no longer allow the process to take away my enjoyment in life.