Wednesday, February 11, 2009


I have always been a big nuts person. Notice that I did not say that I have always been a bit nutty, although that point is probably debatable. I love nuts of any kind. My favorite is probably cashews, but it doesn't top the list by much. I even recently learned that I even like Chestnuts (which I personally don't think technically qualify as a nut, but I digress). I had never given it much thought until the recent peanut recall.

I had only caught snippets of the recall. A short snippet on CNN or on the computer. However, Monday as I sat down at my desk to have a snack, I became more interested. I tend to keep protein bars in my desk for snacks and quick meals when I am having a busy day. I have a low boredom threshold as we all know so I tend to keep a variety. As I pulled out my Luna "Nutz over Chocolate" bar Monday, I had a brief thought about the peanut call. I am not sure why, but am so glad I did. I decided that it would be smart to make sure that my "healthy" snack wasn't going to give me Salmonella.

Good thing that I looked. Not only was that brand part of the recall, the particular lot that I had was thought to be potentially contaminated. So much for my snack. I then proceeded to look through my work stash. Every single bar that I had in my desk contained nuts and was on the list! Since I have been eating on these bars for a while, a part of me rationalized that they were probably okay. Then saneness took over and I tossed them all in the trash - better safe than infected. When I got home yesterday post call, I decided to go through my pantry and throw out anything that was "on the list". I had quite a few items. Turns out I am a sucker for anything with a nut flavor. Just happy that I didn't end up getting sick. Time to try the Lemon Zest bars.