Saturday, February 14, 2009


Did I ever mention that I am not a huge fan of strange child like creatures that walk around with bows and arrows? I mean - that can't be safe. What about the whole putting an eye out thing? What type of message are we sending to children? Okay, perhaps I am just a bit bitter today - Valentine's day - that I am spending alone in a cold city with no one to snuggle up against. Will hopefully be better tomorrow.


Me said...

See, that is why I got a dog when I graduated from law school - I always had someone to snuggle up with! Happy Valentine's Day. Elliot & I are at home . . . each spending time on our respective computer. Romantic, huh? Well, I'm going to go get my cuddles from Nugget (although I wish I had the energy to give her a bath first - she stinks!) - Jessica