Thursday, January 1, 2009


So about this time every year I get into the "spirit" of the season and make resolutions. About this time tomorrow, I have forgotten said resolutions and gone about my way. This year I have decided to actually put thought into my resolutions and be resolute about keeping them.

Resolution: Regain Optimism - I am by nature an optimist. However, as of late I seem to have misplaced it. Therefore, I am resolving to get it back. I will again believe that people are basically good and things happen for a reason. (On call today, truly putting this resolution to test.)

Resolution: Re find Outer Self - Most of you know me as a fairly girly girl. I like my pedicures, abhor trailer park roots and spend a fortune on clothes. I remember that girl, and I recall that I liked her a lot. I resolve to start dressing for work again, spending time (and money) on hair and grooming. I don't believe that people should be judged on appearance, but I do believe that how we feel about ourselves on the inside is published on the outside. For me I think the outside is a reflection of what is going on inside. Which brings me to my last resolution.

Resolution: Be More Selfish - WHAT? Yes - I said be more selfish. I resolve to actually say no to things that I don't want to do - both professionally and personally. I accept that occasionally I have to disappoint others. I resolve to be selfish about taking care of my inner self. I will give myself weekends with friends, days of complete solitude, trips to the gym, long walks and hot bubble baths. Once these things were a regular part of my life, but somewhere along the way my life got in the way of me. I selfishly want me back.

Hope you guys make conscious resolutions this year, and here is hoping we can all live up to them.


Me said...

Good luck with your resolutions!