Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Lions, Tigers, Migraines - Oh My!

Not unexpectedly I got a migraine today. Perhaps I should explain. My mom suffered from migraines the entire time I was growing up. Her trigger was hormonal. Once she went through menopause, they magically disappeared. I spent most of my twenty's thankful not to have inherited that particular trait.

Then I started my cardiothoracic fellowship. During my first year, I lost peripheral vision one day as I was heading home. In a near panic, I headed back into the ER. One incredibly long work-up later, it was declared that I had an "optic migraine". I have had a few since then. My trigger seems to be stress. I know - you're thinking "Wow you really did pick a bad career." It is not "normal" stress that triggers for me. I can handle stressful cases and patients with relative ease.

The stress that triggers for me is more related to my control issues. It is the stress that comes from having events outside of my control. A big job search for example. The practical part of my brain argues that it is ridiculous to get so worked up about such things. After all, things happen for a reason - what will be will be. However, it turns out that a huge portion of my brain is very impractical, and it actually always seems to win in these situations.

I have tried to relax and let go, but it is much easier to say than for me to actually do. I have a bad feeling that it is going to be a rough few months - (Sorry Kris and mom).


Me said...

I'm so sorry. I'm a migraine sufferer, too. You are lucky they only pop up when you are stressed! I get them regularly (and hormones do appear to be a factor), but when I get stressed, my migraines can become disabling - they can happen daily and pretty much knock me on my behind. Planning our wedding nearly did me in! I was lucky and discovered that there was a daily preventive medication I could take that allowed me to get through the stressful time while functioning - it only took me until I was in my 30s before I realized there was a treatment for the migraines!

I was so afraid to go off my medicines when I wanted a baby. When I got pregnant, the migraines went away! Unfortunately, my migraines have returned again, so I can sympathize. I say try doing things to release tension . . . get some massages (that always helps me) and take relaxing baths. If all else fails, try medication! Sometimes, you can't convince your brain to be logical, but you can certainly drug it!